Secure register of residents’ emergency contacts
The Bellarine Community Support Register supports the safety and independence of vulnerable Bellarine residents. It holds contacts and information provided by residents and can be accessed only by police in a personal emergency.

Our Mission – What we do to help
We provide information on the Register only to police to support ambulance, hospital or fire services in an emergency where people are unable to provide this information themselves.
We securely store all personal information and ensure it is accessible only by police in an emergency. All our volunteers undergo police checks and sign confidentiality agreements.
On request, our volunteers provide regular telephone care calls to people on our Register (the registrants) between 9.30am and 12 noon, Monday to Friday, except on public holidays.
We offer reassurance for our registrants, their family and neighbours that their local community cares about their welfare and is alert to their needs.
A service you can trust
The Bellarine Community Support Register is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation managed and run by volunteers based at the Bellarine police station. All our volunteers undergo police checks and sign confidentiality agreements.
We are happy to speak to you, or to present to your group or organisation, on the benefits of the Register.
Years of Service
Benefits of the Register
The Register is a free and voluntary service that securely maintains your contact and personal information should police need to access it during an emergency. We only store information provided by you. You can also schedule regular phone care calls from our volunteers, Monday to Friday (9.30am – 12 noon excluding public holidays).
Your carers, family and friends can feel reassured that, when they are not able to be present, volunteers at the Register have access to your personal details in the event of an emergency.
People on our Register are provided with a sticker to place near their front door and an ID card for their wallet so that emergency services can phone police should they require contact or personal information that people are unable to provide themselves.
General practitioners, pharmacists and other clinicians can encourage patients to register so they can be supported, if required, in an emergency or if they need and want regular care telephone checks from Register volunteers.
The Register provides local volunteers with an encouraging, welcoming and supportive environment in which to help their local community. If you have a few hours to spare to work in our office at the Bellarine police station, please contact us.
We are an incorporated non-profit organisation, run by volunteers, and would welcome any donations to assist our work. All donations over $2.00 are income tax deductible.
Our Sponsors

Put you & your family in good hands
Get in touch
Have more questions? Feel free to get in touch so that we may answer your enquiry.