Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay to join the Register?

No. It is free.

Am I old enough to join the Register?

Our Register is for all Bellarine residents. It covers residents of all ages, genders, abilities, cultures and employment status including thoise who are active of who feel vulnerable or isolated. This could mean people who live alone, or those whose family or close friends live a long distance away. Or it could be a person who is a carer for someone who is disabled or temporarily incapacitated. Or it could be a person who is disabled and lives independently.

What are some of the benefits to me of being on the Register?

There are many benefits. If you lose your kieys and they are handed into the Bellarine Police Station, your ID number can be checked and the police will make contact to have you collection them from the station.  If for example, you collapse anywhere, police can access the Register for the next of kin and medical contact information so that you can get faster treatment. Also, if the Register indicates you have a dependent person or animal in your home, arrangements can be made to take care of them until you recover.

I do not want some members of my family to be contacted in the event of a personal emergency. How can I be sure this will not occur?

The Register only accepts information provided or approved by you. This means that, in the event of a personal emergency, the only people contacted would be people chosen by you.

Is the data on the Register secure?
